Tuesday, 4 May 2010

My ideas for a script

I have been working on an idea for the last week or so, its not fully developed and the characters need depth and strengthening, but the skeleton for both are their and ready to be developed.

Its quite a dark tale of social isolation and sanity, or insanity in the case of my main character, its spawned from the idea of the people that exist within main stream society the sort of people you see all the time, working in a Taxi or a Factory, but the people that escape the luxuries of main stream society and become loners. I want to explore the physique of these kinds of characters, not often done in film i want to make the audience understand the characters troubles and life, and to be in the shoes of this character.

My film is inspired by the famous film "Taxi Driver" and its lead character, Travis Bickle, who is a social outcast, looked over by mainstream society and plagued with the problems of loneliness and social isolation. I want to incorporate a lot of the themes of this film into my own, the way that Travis yearns for female attention, but doesn't know quite how to act towards the opposite sex. Also his sense of pure isolation within his own mind as he feels no one understands him or can relate to his feelings and problems.

Although the idea i originally inspired by the film i will be purposefully pulling away from some of its main themes, i don't want to incorporate the violence that is in the mood of Scorsese's film through out, i want to explore a much more interesting and deeper side of the characters mind, seeing how he has become deranged socially and emotionally through his lack of interaction with other people.

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