Sunday, 6 June 2010

Inspirations of the film and its themes

It was greatly influenced by Mathieu Kassavitzs master piece La Haine, his ability to capture the gritty reality of the lives of urban adolescence profound and greatly inspiring, its also very closely tied in with the way this film runs and its mains themes and central ideas.

Also Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver is a great source of inspiration, the themes such as loneliness and desire to leave his surroundings are more than prevelant within our film, and the life of our main character just like Travis Bickle in the film.

Sound and the voice

The final stages of the film were making all the sound work properly, that involved using the sounds recording externally on the Marantz as well as the sound recorded with all the footage we shot. This was our sound man Rico job and he was more than well equipped for it as he had plenty of sound equipment as well as a sound proof booth for us to record the voice overs in.

The next step after the sound was perfect was to re write the voice over to fit perfectly with the new edited film, we did this together and then went to Rico to record it in the booth, it wasn't as easy as expected and had to be redone a few times before we got the desired sound we wanted. even after we had the perfect cut the sound had to reverberated and edited to sound as it should. unfortunately we had to to the voice overs ourselves which wasn't ideal but we weren't able to get the people we needed.

The use of music within the film was a late decision and was to help carry the emotional feeling of the character through the final stages of the film. I think it was vital as the voice over ends at the midway point of the film and we need the music to continue the narrative of the characters mind state.
We hear the song for the first time in the barbers shop but its a different version to the more powerful and emotional version By Dobie Gray which we then later use as a non diegetic sound to amplify the characters emotions.

The edit...

My job of the edit didnt start in the best way possible, i had three horrific days of dealing with files i couldnt capture and deal with on the computer due to the format we had filmed in on the Z1, in the end i had to run the footage through Imovie, to get it on the computer and used visual hub to convert them into to files reconised by final cut pro.

Once this was done i began the edit, i had a long process of dealing with all the unusable and poorly shot footage which i had to cut, to get to the good footage. There was a large amount of terrible and poor footage but also a decent amount of well shot and useful bits that i began to make the story with.

The story had to be slightly edited and manipulated to fit the available footage we had to use, so this was an interesting yet challenging task that i feel i took on and completed well, i had to use quite alot of jump cuts to accomadate for lack of story telling footage but i think it works well with the style of film we are making.

The shoot....

The shoot i feel was not as organised and well run as it should of been and there fore i think we lost out on alot of good footage, however the weather was beatiful, and we had managed to get hold of a great camera (sony z1) to shoot on.

all in all i think we handled ourselves quite well through a difficult shoot working with friends and animals which is never easy.

we managed to get all the footage required over the four day shoot and were punctual and professional with our filming and actors.


We scouted for locations for a week or so and came across a few possible venues for each of the locations for the film.

Here are some for the opening scene were the character goes to be by himself and the dog, we wanted it to be a personal place, here are the two we are torn between.

In the end we decided to use the second as it has a more ruff edgy feel to it that i think is prevelant within the films mood.

The second location that we need to get is the house of the boss character Willis, we want it to have an edgy and dark feel to it here are two possibles.

I believe that the first of these two is the better of the two but have have had difficulties managing to get permission and due to lack of time we are going to use the second location at the one for the film as it is the house of a friend so will be easier.

The third and final location is the Barbers and we have sorted out where we will shoot this and have already received permission to do so, here are some shots of it.


After searching for our leading actor online we had not had the greatest deal of luck in finding a suitable actor, so we decided to try and find one through friends.
We held an audition for a friend named Nathan Whitefield, he had been acting for just over half a year but had also just got into one of the countries top acting colleges, central school of speech and drama.

I seem to of misplaced the shots we had of him from his auditions but he was by far the strongest actor and also had a feel of the character we were trying to create, his acting was very theatrical due to his acting background, he had just finished a play at the tricycle theatre. `however the theatrical acting worked with the film we wanted to do because of the lack of dialouge from the character, so his overacting would work in the film

The casting progress....

The only character that we will not be casting for is the role of Willis, we believe that we have already found a perfect person for this role, he is not an actor but visually is so suited for the role that i believe he will be perfect, especially as his role is not that main an will not require much acting.

The casting progress began with me posting adds on, and casting call pro, i used all three of these casting website to search for actors for the two roles of Harry and Nick. I had a lot of replies so decided to hold two days of auditions at a studio in east London were we meet a range of actors for both roles.

Here are the actors we got for the role of Nick, he is meant to be a young good looking mixed race man who has a clean cut look to him.

the last actor on here (Shelley) was the best suited visually and physically also he had the best acting skills as well as being the most like how i had imagined the character to look and feel. He was also ready an available to start acting when we needed him.

The next job for casting was a big one and was the casting of Harry the lead role, it is vital we get this one right, he is the lead protagonist and the entire film rest upon his role and acting, we saw alot more people for him.

After two days of casting we were not having much luck with the charecter of Harry all the actors were either not suited visually or simply lacked the skills to portray the character we had in mind, so we had to keep looking.

La Haine

The idea of our film is based over the course of a day and follows the main character through his day, as he goes through various different stages. By the end of the day the character has been through a lot of grief and has changed dramatically, that is something that is done very well within the French classic la Haine.

Shot in cinema verité style, this film follows a day in the life of three aimless and violence-prone young men who hail from the same decaying housing project in Paris. Vinz, who is Jewish, is the angriest and the least intelligent of the three. North African Said is calmer, but is the most despairing about his future. Hubert is Black, and the most mature, channeling his rage through boxing. Although the trio seethes with fury over the arrest and senseless beating of an Arab friend, each manages to keep the other in check. But that changes after Vinz finds a loaded gun -- and the trio becomes entangled with the police, and later a group of skinheads. The film has a shocking and dark ending with the death of lead character Vinz and then the downfall of the most stable character Hubert as he murders the cop who filled Vinz.

The way that this film builds tension perfectly through out the film until the dramatic climax, is something that is very powerful and i would love to incorporate in our film, it will work nicely in our film as it also follows a character over a dramatic day in his life.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

the cut off

Here is the first draft of the script we are going to be developing and working on over the next few weeks to create into a short five minute drama

Character 1

( Harry is in his early twenties he lives in an estate in north London with his mum who is a drug addict, he does not know his father. He works as a run around for an organized crime family who deal guns and drugs. Three weeks ago he was ordered to 'see a girl about a dog'; this involved picking up a dog off a girl and looking after it for three weeks until his boss was ready to take it off him. During this three weeks he has fallen completely i love with the dog and he has called it Leo. Today is the day he has been ordered to take Leo to his boss and does not want to say good by. Harry is confused by this emotion he feels towards the dog but feels a great deal of love towards the Leo)

The Park Good Bye

A hardened London city is boy in his late teens or early twenties sitting on a park bench, it is a sunny day, he is alone, deep in thought and has a look of blissful contentment on his face which seems out of the character and almost juxtaposed due to his appearance.

CUs of face, scars on knuckles, tattoos, chains, eyes, attire,?????? Wide of him on bench

A beautiful,, energetic, friendly, perfectly formed white and brown staffordshire bull terrier with a permanent smile on its face is playing on the grass (with another dog?). A small child passes it and pets it for a minute before it runs away and continues to play. (wides of the dog(s) playing in the sunshine running

CUs of the dog(s) laying with each other and rolling around as though are friends having the time of their live(s)....slow introduction to this fun loving dog)

Voice Over: See, its the owners.................I swear i'm stopping all them man puttin on them fights, don't care how much p tyson brings's sick.

The boy gets up and begins to throw a ball for the dog and each time the dog brings it back to his feet, he throws it back and forth three or four times. The fourth time the dog drops the ball, the boy takes it from him but does not throw it again and begins to stroke the dog and pat him with great love and affection, the dog sits, the boy crouches and holds the dogs face, puts his hand out which the dog put his paw into and gives him a treat.

Voice Over: Im gonna be sad to say good by gonna come visit you all the time.................I wander in H will let me buy you?......nar, ees a cunt...... I know he won't.........he better not start treating you like shit...... The past three weeks have been the least fukin stressful weeks of my life.........well, i suppose if I didn't have you to look after he would have been givin me more work....but still true say I aint even really checked the boy too tough...we just been jamming....I swear its even been good for mum havin u about.........................

The boy stands up and walks out of the park with the dog on the lead.

the boy and dog both leave frame.

The last walk

from behind on the street as they walk together, the boy is looking down at the dog and the dog looks back at him

Voice over: Shit ain't gonna be my dog any more in a minute...........i swear he better not treat you like shit.......

fackin hell what av you done to me, you turned me into a chick.........pull it together son..........................................but any way im gonna ask him to sell you om.........................fuck im gonna tell him ill work for free for a month .............or two months

(he begins to sound more and more desperate and frantic as he thinks to him self)

The harsh reality

The two of them have reached their location, they stand in front of a door, the boy faces it and pause reaches out to ring the bell, then pulls hand away and pauses

Voice Over: fuck it, im just gonna ask him straight up, H I wanna keep the dog.

(the boy stands up straight and shakes his head a bit)

FUCKIN HELL what have you done to me?

he shakes his head again and laughs s to him self as if he is embarrassed by his weakness

He rings the door bell and waits

(muffled noise is coming from the house and then thuds towards the door)

right im askin him straight fuckin gonna tell im..

the door swings open quickly,

Iv told you you need to ring the FUCKIN door bell once.

(The door is opened by a very tall man)

tilt up only mans body in frame with head cut off

(the boy takes a breath in order to speak firmly to the man, but before he can get a word in edge ways, the man snatches the lead out of the boys hand, drags the dog inside the house aggressively, as the boy trys to enter, the man slams the door in his face.

(The boy stands outside with the door a centermeter away from his face looking shocked and confused)

The moves away from the door and tries to look through the window which is mostely covered with a drape and he is un able make out what is going on in the house

(the boy is left out side hearing muffled noise coming from the house again, thumps and crashes, then barks then whimpers then moans.)

The boy steps away from the window as he cannot make out what is going on and goes back to the door and rings the bell

(all of a sudden he starts to freak out wondering what is happening inside the house)

The boy rings the bel again

and again

and again

and again

(suspense gaining)

The door swings open agian even quicker than the first time, a huge open hand meets the side of the boys face with a slap which nocks him back away from the door.


The boy is now standing a meter away from front door and a package is thrown at him and hits him in the chest. The door slams closed again. The package bounces off his chest and drops to the floor, the boy stands there in shock for a minute, then moves his hand towards his face where the man had slapped him and he realises blood is on his face.

(the boy does not under stand how he is bleeding from a slap)

He begins to feel his neck and chest to see where the blood is coming from. he cannot work it out. He stands still in complete shock and confusion. He picks up the package from the floor and looks at it closely and realises there is a postet note on it with an note saying take it to the barbors, hes waiting. The door then swings open again quickly and the dogs lead is chucked out of th door at the boy, again it hits his chest and then the floor, quickly after that the door opens again ans out flies a big black bin liner with a not in the top of it this time the boy moves out of the way and it hits the floor next to him.

do sittin with it

The door slams closed again. The boy remains still for a moment then his facial expression and stature change instantly as he puts two and two togather, he quickly picks up the lead and sees a litle bit of blood on the collar, he then rips open the bag a bit, drops it and vommits imeaditly next to it on the pavement.

Character 2

(Nick is in his late teens, he lives with his mother and father in a small council house in Kensal Green in North West London. He is very close to his mum and dad. He is very excited to be taking the girl of his dreams out on a date tonight. He has been waiting for this day for a long time. He has been given forty pounds by his parents. He wants to take her to an expensive restaurant in central London, and has devised a plan in order to make him self look good and have lots of money to impress the girl. His plan is to get his hair cut wile waiting for his friend to bring him a large amount of cocaine, he is then going to swap the cocaine for a lump some of money and use a lot of his profit to get a new out fit to wear and take the girl out. He is on a tight schedule and is anxious, worrying that if his mate and the Barbour don't hurry his night won't run according to plan. His plan is to sell the package in order to make a lot of money quickly, so he can take the girl out for an expensive meal.)

also waiting for his mate to bring him a package.

is sitting in the Barbour shop waiting to get a hair cut,

is looking in the mirror opposite, moving his head from side to side checking him self out.

Voice Over: I swear down this better not be a long ting, man needs to meet this gual soon. I need to be looking fresh boi, this gual is tidy and I know say this ting won't fly unless mans looking trim........Hurry up man.

He begins to role his eyes as he waits for his turn...... as time passes he begins to look at the clock.....tap his feet and is clearly becoming impatient waiting,

The boy makes his way to the address on the package which is the local Barbour shop.

He walks with an un explainable awkwardness as though he is turning inside out as he walks.

The person he has come to meet has just finished getting his hair cut. Character 2 gets out of the Barbour chair and walks towards the door, as he reaches he door character 1 has just reached the entrance and is trying to walk in, they very nearly bump into each other and stand awkwardly opposite each other, character 2 opens his eyes widely as if to say turn around and walk out now. Character 1 quickly turns round and walks back out of the shop entrance, they walk down the street together The transaction is made

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

French new wave

French new wave was a name given to a rise of new innovative film makers from France, they were part of a film revolution not just happening in France but across the world during the late 50s and early 60s, in which film makers were defying convention and making ground breaking new cinema.

The young French film makers were the most successful and influential in the new wave of film makers, they resided from Paris and were writing for the "Cahiers du cinema", their ideas and theory on film were in stark contrast to that of the french film establishments of the time. They criticized the big french film makers of the times and created ground breaking new cinema through there original and innovative films.
Film makers such as Jean Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, François Truffaut, Jacques Rivette and Éric Rohmer, they were all from the Cahiers du cinema journal and by the 1960 they had all made there first films and were making waves in the world of film.

Breathless by Jean-Luc Godard.

In 1960, a director by the name of Jean-Luc Godard burst onto the scene and shattered the film community's preconceptions of what was essential in a film. Prior films would push that every film needed a decipherable beginning, middle, and end. Characters in typical films had to go somewhere, they couldn't remain static. A film couldn't be free-form and flowing, and everything had to serve a purpose.

The film opens with the lead character Michel Poiccard driving through the french country side, the shots from inside the car as he drove were something never seen in mainstream cinema before and was quite revolutionary at the time. We hear his thoughts as he travels down the picturesque roads, and follow him as he tries to flee from some cop cars, he pulls into a side road and thinks hes got away until one pulls in. Micheal in a rush of blood shoots and kills the police officer and quickly deals with the body, he then heads to Paris to find his American girlfriend and get some money from a friend to start his new life.

The film now follows Micheal through his day and night as he navigates through Paris and his problems, as he tries to get his girlfriend to leave the city with him and come to Rome. A main part of the film is based on the relationship between him and his lover, a long interesting scene in shot in her bedroom as they are hiding out there as the police are searching for him. Eventually he is betrayed by his lover in a dramatic ending in which he is killed in the middle of the road by the police as his American partner looks on, its a powerful climax left us pondering the motives and goals of the characters.
The films free flowing and lively feel gives it a unique feel, which was innovative and fresh at the time and has paved the way for many other films of its type since its release. A very original and effortlessly cool looking film which will stay with me for a while and has really inspired me for this project.

The 400 blows by François Truffaut's

Antoine Doinel is a 13-year-old boy who can't seem to do anything right. His parents yell at him and then bribe him for his love and his promises to work harder in school. Meanwhile, his schoolteacher is out to get him and blames Antoine for everything--turning him into the class clown. As a result, Antoine runs away from school and his difficult family, living on the streets of Paris and committing petty crimes. While his life on the street is tough, it's much better than dealing with his preoccupied parents and his accusatory teacher. Nonetheless, things only go downhill for Antoine, descending to a simultaneously painful and beautiful conclusion.

Another powerful and groundbreaking picture from the New french wave directors, showing a lust of reform and a burning desire to tell their stories through the new ways of films making, in my opinion not as new and interesting as Breathless but none the less a massive film in the history of modern cinema.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

The group and the script selection...

We formed into our groups for the drama unit and in doing so brought together the scripts we had worked on individually, and began to discuss and decide what sort of film we want to make and how will be the best way.

I formed a group with three of my contemporaries that i thought were like minded and interesting individuals, i had grown quite close to the three but never worked with any of them, so i felt it fit to work with them on this product and see how we operate as a team. They were Max Robson, Rico Dixon and Louie Marsh.

We brought together the scripts we had written and began deciding what to do, the only scripts brought to the table was my one, which as the time was only a few pages long and no where neat as developed as it is now. The other one was by max and was a story he had been developing for nearly a year, it was something he felt passionately about and i believed it was a film we could make to a high standard.

I do have some regrets about not pursuing my film and script but the idea we are making is a very interesting and original idea, I think i will be making my film this summer in my own time.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The use of the audio track by Al Green "I'm so tired of being alone", in my opinion is a powerful dramatic tool that will heighten audiences sense of the characters mind state and add to the mood of the dramatic ending.

The music is diegetic, so it gives the scene a more authentic feel, this is a style choice that is used throughout the film to create the characters world. The song is a clear representation of the characters feelings and illustrates the extent of his loneliness. It also juxtaposes the ending of the film, the soft soulful sounds of Al Green are in stark contrast to the shocking images of the final shots when we realize he is psychotic and has a female prisoner.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

All work and no play. CUT VERSION

All work and no play.

Establishing shot; long shot from below on grey towering office block, the lighting and angle of camera create an unpleasant and overwhelming feel to the building.

Shot looking along the top of the metal mesh fence that surrounds the building, it follows the line of the fence and focus fades from the front of the shot to the back were we see the extent of the long grey fence.

Mid shot looking down an aisle of office cubicles, each identical each with the noise of computer keys being pressed and phones ringing pouring from them.

Cuts to close up on the halogen light bulbs that are above the office cubicles, they flicker on and off quickly before going back to normal.

Mid close up, on the back of a man sitting at a computer propping his head up with his arm, looking very unenthused. He wears a plain white shirt leaved shirt, with a black Casio watch on his wrist, his hair is medium length and brown. He reaches for his mouse.

Cut to extreme close up on hand moving mouse.

Close up on face looking tired and uninterested, eyes slowly moving from side to side, he leans back and yawns. The man wears thick square black spectacles with blemished skin and a five o’clock shadow.

Over the shoulder shot, looking at the computer screen we see lines and lines of data across the screen.
Cuts to shot on phone ringing. Hand answers it.
Shot from behind again as the man has the phone pressed between his shoulder and ear

James; Arnold Greenstein corporation, your through to James how can I help
Close up on his hand grabbing a pen,
James; yes I can do that for you right away sir, okay have a great day

Over the shoulder shot of him putting down phone
Quick cut to close up on phone being put down
Back to the over the shoulder shot where we see him writing down a message on a post it note and stick to the screen of his computer.

We hear the voice of a woman and it catches the attention of James.
Woman’s voice; Yes okay sir I will do, you have a great day too, bye. (Sound of phone being put down)

Mid slightly high angle shot from the front as we see James slowing rising to his feet to peek over the top of his cubical.
Cuts to POV shot from James’s eyes, again slightly high angle due to the position of James. We see a blonde haired pretty young woman sitting at her desk typing.

Close up on James face looking nervous and flustered by the woman, he wrinkles his nose to push his glasses further back onto his face.
Back to POV of James looking at the young woman, she stops typing and leans back and stretches a her arms above her head making her chest stick out a little.

Side shot of James leaning over his desk to peek into the woman’s cubical, he’s leaning so far over that we see him knock over his pencil holder and spill all his pens and pencils across his desk.

Mid shot front on of him looking embarrassed as he drops back into his seat and quickly and franticly picking up all his pens and pencils and put them back into his holder.

Close up on sad frustrated looking face as he relines his glasses.
Close up on the screen as we see the typing of numbers on the screen
Cuts of extreme close up on the eyes of James looking from side to side, with the glow of the computer reflected in his glasses.

Quick cut to keys typing cuts back to eyes.
Mid shot from behind of him reaching for a coffee cup
Cuts to close up on face as he drinks the coffee
Close up on him banging the cup down

Back to shots of his eyes darting from side to side as they intently examine the computer.
Shot of the screen again with an endless sea of numbers displayed.
Close up on the keys typing


Mid shot of James sitting up right at his computer and looking at his watch.
Extreme close up on the watch time displays 5:00pm
Close up on James face as he lets a small barely noticeable smile enter his face.

Shot on screen shows him go to the shut down menu and close the computer down.

Mid shot we see him grab his coat and bag from a coat hanger he has in his office cubicle

Close up of him zipping up the jacket, as the zip goes up.

Back to mid shot of him in cubical we see him exit

Cut to shot from outside the building from a distance.

Mid shot on front doors of the building, two big steel double doors, we see him open one door and sheepishly make his way out of the building.

Back to the shot from a distance (camera at a long shot of the offices, shot from a slightly low angle) we see James walking towards the camera looking awkward and uncomfortable in his skin, with his jacket done right up to the top coming across the bottom of his face. He walks past the camera.

Cuts to high angle shot from bus stop as he strolls up to it and looks at the timetable while adjusting his glasses. Then makes his way to the side of the pavement.

Medium close up from the side of James looking either way down the street, first towards the camera then away from it, he then turns around and out of view of camera.

Immediate cut to mid shot of James approaching bus stop bench then sitting down at it. Look at his watch and then back up and straightforward.

(We hear the woman’s voice again)
Woman’s voice; yeh I know its been too long…god I’m so glad it’s a Friday couldn’t take another day of that.

James eyes dart to the left of the screen and the location of the voice.

POV shot of the woman walking towards the bus stop, on the phone and looking radiant and beautiful, she strolls by and throws James a quick glance and a smile recognising him from work.

Close up on James face as a blushing smile starts to appear which he tries to suppress.

Back to POV she is now past the bus stop and we see a glove drop from her purse as she jogs across the road to avoid a car.
High angle mid shot of him leaning down to pick up the glove and rise to his feet with a nervous and lost look on his face, his lips are quivering like he wants to say something but his mouth wont let him.

Back to POV as woman is on other side of the road and making her way to a car with a man sitting inside it waiting, it has been waiting there for her there the whole time, possibly a boyfriend.

James; (nervously) erm…excuse ah…Excuse me…

We see the woman get off her mobile phone and into the car, James words have not caught her attention but the man in the car seems to be throwing him a menacing look, as the car pulls out and drives off he looks away.

Long wide shot from other side of road as we see James standing there staring off after the car looking deflated and defeated still clutching the glove in his hand. The bus pulls in at the stop thus blocking James and the rest of the shot.

Shot from top of stairwell at first we just see and empty stairwell, but hear the footsteps getting closer, he slowly make his way round the corner and walks half way up the stairs, before stopping leaning against the hand rail and drawing for breath.

Mid shot on the landing of his floor as he reaches the top of the stairs, walks a few steps down the landing and puts his bags down before reaching into his jacket and gets his keys and puts them in the door.

Cuts to inside the flat, high angle shot from living room looking down the corridor at the front door as he enters, drops his keys onto the side table and makes his way towards and into living room.

Cut to inside kitchen were we see him take out his microwavable meal and prepare it, all done mid shot, he takes it from bag puts it on counter and removes packaging.
Series of close ups, on him poking holes in the cellophane on meal, then opening door of microwave and putting it inside, then on the timer of microwave as it reads 4 minutes, we hear a beep and the times starts to count down.

Back to high angle shot from front room living room as we see him walk back in to the room and to a small table.
Mid close up as he goes to a small radio and turns it on, we here static and different sounds of music and speech.
Close up on him twisting the knob as the sounds continue as he searches for his station, before settling on a talk show.

We hear dialogue about peoples love life, he has tuned into a radio talk show about love and relationships.
Radio – that was Lauren from Stoke telling us all about how lucky she is to be with her partner Derek, so if your listening Derek well done your obviously doing something right.

As this is happening James goes back to the kitchen and takes down a plate and gets a knife and fork and prepares his meal, close up of his steaming meal as he peels of the plastic, gives it a stir and leaves it to stand.

Mid close up on the radio, with the background out of focus and the radio in focus.
Radio - So to our next caller who I believe is Sadie, how are you love and how can we help you today on the love hour…..
Sadie - Hello Brian, I’m not bad thanks, I’m just a little lonely tonight since its another Friday and I’m sat alone listening to you…again
Brian – that’s a shame, but is there any particular reason your feeling this way.
Sadie – im just really lonely lately and I don’t know how to get over it, I been stuck in a rut for a while and just not sure how to get my self out of it.

In the blurred background we see him walk past the camera and into living room.
Mid shot from the front of him sit down and begin to eat his meal while listening.

Brian – well tell me how long has this been troubling you for Sadie.
Sadie – a while now, I been single for about two years now and haven’t ever seemed to recovered from being dumped, sometimes I get to lonely I feel like a prisoner in my own home, isolated from the outside world. My confidence seems to completely gone out the window I don’t seem to be able to handle myself around men any more. I just get really awkward and clumsy whenever I’m around guys I like, its so embarrassing
Brian – awh love don’t get to down about it, are their any guys you like at the moment then.
Sadie – well there is this one guy, he works at the same café as me, he’s really funny and sweet, and gorgeous as well. I doubt he even remembers my name though. I act such a fool in front of him he probably thinks I’m a total freak.

James pauses from eating his food, puts his fork down and get ups.
Cut to mid shot from the side as he goes to a chest of draws and opens the top draw and takes a box out.
Back to shot of him sitting down front on, this time he has a box on his lap, which he takes the top of off begins to look through.

Brian – don’t be so hard on yourself, have you let him know how you feel?
Sadie – I can barely bring myself to say hello in the morning let alone tell him how I feel, I get so shy around him and behave so silly in front of him I freeze up and don’t know how to act.
We see James take out a photo from his box and look at it intently.
Sadie – I think he is so great I just wish I could communicate with him with out acting a complete fool.

POV shot from James looking at the picture; it’s a picture of the girl whose glove he found at the bus stand.

Brian – Sadie love take it from me, confidence is all in your head, you have it in you to show this man what a wonderful interesting woman you are, you just need to take the initiative to show him, next time your at work wear a bit of perfume and dress you like and show him what sort of woman you are.

James looks to his left and reaches into his bag and pulls out the glove he found, he slowly brings it close to him looking intently at it.
Cuts to POV shot as he looks at the gloves in his hand his other hand strokes it.

Sadie – thanks Brian, oh god I hope he doesn’t listen to this show
Brian – (laughs) all right I’m sure your fine Sadie, and I hope everything turns out ok with you and your lover boy, if not then I’m sending this one out to you Hun.

Song starts to play, “I’m so tired of being alone” by Al Green.
We see a mid close up on James upper body and face as he lifts his hand up and pulls the glove on.
Cut to mid shot from behind the seat as he stands up and walks over to a mirror to his left, still with the picture in hand.
Shot from the side as he approaches the mirror and takes of his glasses, and puts them down in front of the mirror.
ECU of a picture of a Brunette woman stuck onto the top corner of his mirror, we see the picture pulled off revealing a blurred reflection of James, quickly replaced by the picture of the blonde woman from his office.
Mid shot looking from the right hand side from behind looking at James, his smiling reflection in the mirror is perfectly framed. He looks satisfied and walks away from the camera to the left and out the room.

The music heard a little less loudly we see him in a dark dingy bedroom; he approaches a locked door in the corner of his room and brings out a key from around his neck.
Close up on the key slowly turning in the lock.
Over the should shot from a slightly high angle as he slowly opens the door, we see a the brunette woman from the photo tied up and gagged on the floor, she has bruises on her face and looks scared and helpless.
Close up on her face as she slowly turns her face to look up and him with a broken petrified look on her face.
Low angle POV shot from the perspective of the woman looking up and him, we see James lit from above towering over her menacingly with a creepy grin on his face.
Title “All work and no play”, comes across screen with typewriter effect used.
Joseph Radonich

Behind the story

Its quite a dark tale of human deprivation and insanity, I'm exploring the mindset of a character who seemingly has lost his mind. I wanted to really lead the audience on with this film in many ways, i wanted them to think that the character was a low confidence run of the mill office nerd, which he is but i used this to cloak is psychotic tendencies.

The use of POV within the film.
I purposefully have only used the POV shots for when James is looking at the female characters, this creates a subconscious feel of voyeur within the film, James being the Voyeur watching the woman from a far but not interacting with them. This heightens the feel of James being a loner afraid to talk to the woman he desires. Its not just the Woman he works with who is shot through POV, all female characters in the film are, from the girls in the shop to the one tied up in his closet.

Purpose behind each location.
The use of his office is to show the monotony and boredom of his life, the way we will shoot the office and his cubicle will give off a distinct feeling of lifelessness. Its also the first place we see him so i want the audience to begin to get an idea about this man and by using the office we see a very bleak and boring side of the character.

The purpose of having the shop in the film is to show some of the outside world and what they are doing on a Friday, to stress the boring and empty state of James life. We see a few groups of people out and about having fun and getting drunk for a Friday night out, while he is stuck deciding what cereal to buy. Its really just to build on his character more and show how he is not part of main stream society and a social outcast.

His flat is were we learn the most about the character, firstly we see the extent of his grim an gray life as we see his poorly light empty and colourles home, we watch him eating his bog standard micro wave meal, all this is building the character. Then more is revealed about his feelings to the woman at his work through the radio show he is listening to, and eventually we learn he has an obsession with her. This is the beginning of things to come as we slowly learn that the character has become mentally deranged and finally discover his horrifying secret.

I have realized that the film is a little on the long side, and i will be re editing it before i finish working on it, possibly cutting down or out the grocery store scene, or removing some of the office shots as well as his meal in the flat. However it will be hard as i think it all adds to the story nicely.

All work and no play.

All work and no play.

Establishing shot; long shot from below on grey towering office block, the lighting and angle of camera create an unpleasant and overwhelming feel to the building.

Shot looking along the top of the metal mesh fence that surrounds the building, it follows the line of the fence and focus fades from the front of the shot to the back were we see the extent of the long grey fence.

Mid shot looking down an aisle of office cubicles, each identical each with the noise of computer keys being pressed and phones ringing pouring from them.

Cuts to close up on the halogen light bulbs that are above the office cubicles, they flicker on and off quickly before going back to normal.

Mid close up, on the back of a man sitting at a computer propping his head up with his arm, looking very unenthused. He wears a plain white shirt leaved shirt, with a black Casio watch on his wrist, his hair is medium length and brown. He reaches for his mouse.

Cut to extreme close up on hand moving mouse.

Close up on face looking tired and uninterested, eyes slowly moving from side to side, he leans back and yawns. The man wears thick square black spectacles with blemished skin and a five o’clock shadow.

Over the shoulder shot, looking at the computer screen we see lines and lines of data across the screen.

Lots of quick cuts;

(All the while sounds of computers droning, keys typing and phones ringing, office noises.)

Close up on keyboard as his fingers punch different keys.

Cuts to shot on phone ringing. Hand answers it.

Shot from behind again as the man has the phone pressed between his shoulder and ear

James; Arnold Greenstein corporation, your through to James how can I help

Close up on his hand grabbing a pen,

James; yes I can do that for you right away sir, okay have a great day

Over the shoulder shot of him putting down phone

Quick cut to close up on phone being put down

Back to the over the shoulder shot where we see him writing down a message on a post it note and stick to the screen of his computer.

We hear the voice of a woman and it catches the attention of James.

Woman’s voice; Yes okay sir I will do, you have a great day too, bye. (Sound of phone being put down)

Mid slightly high angle shot from the front as we see James slowing rising to his feet to peek over the top of his cubical.

Cuts to POV shot from James’s eyes, again slightly high angle due to the position of James. We see a blonde haired pretty young woman sitting at her desk typing.

Close up on James face looking nervous and flustered by the woman, he wrinkles his nose to push his glasses further back onto his face.

Back to POV of James looking at the young woman, she stops typing and leans back and stretches a her arms above her head making her chest stick out a little.

Side shot of James leaning over his desk to peek into the woman’s cubical, he’s leaning so far over that we see him knock over his pencil holder and spill all his pens and pencils across his desk.

Mid shot front on of him looking embarrassed as he drops back into his seat and quickly and franticly picking up all his pens and pencils and put them back into his holder.

Close up on sad frustrated looking face as he relines his glasses.

Close up on the screen as we see the typing of numbers on the screen

Cuts of extreme close up on the eyes of James looking from side to side, with the glow of the computer reflected in his glasses.

Quick cut to keys typing cuts back to eyes.

Mid shot from behind of him reaching for a coffee cup

Cuts to close up on face as he drinks the coffee

Close up on him banging the cup down

Back to shots of his eyes darting from side to side as they intently examine the computer.

Shot of the screen again with an endless sea of numbers displayed.

Close up on the keys typing


Mid shot of James sitting up right at his computer and looking at his watch.

Extreme close up on the watch time displays 5:00pm

Close up on James face as he lets a small barely noticeable smile enter his face.

Shot on screen shows him go to the shut down menu and close the computer down.

Mid shot we see him grab his coat and bag from a coat hanger he has in his office cubicle

Close up of him zipping up the jacket, as the zip goes up.

Back to mid shot of him in cubical we see him exit

Cut to shot from outside the building from a distance.

Mid shot on front doors of the building, two big steel double doors, we see him open one door and sheepishly make his way out of the building.

Back to the shot from a distance (camera at a long shot of the offices, shot from a slightly low angle) we see James walking towards the camera looking awkward and uncomfortable in his skin, with his jacket done right up to the top coming across the bottom of his face. He walks past the camera.

Cuts to high angle shot from bus stop as he strolls up to it and looks at the timetable while adjusting his glasses. Then makes his way to the side of the pavement.

Medium close up from the side of James looking either way down the street, first towards the camera then away from it, he then turns around and out of view of camera.

Immediate cut to mid shot of James approaching bus stop bench then sitting down at it. Look at his watch and then back up and straightforward.

(We hear the woman’s voice again)

Woman’s voice; yeh I know its been too long…god I’m so glad it’s a Friday couldn’t take another day of that.

James eyes dart to the left of the screen and the location of the voice.

POV shot of the woman walking towards the bus stop, on the phone and looking radiant and beautiful, she strolls by and throws James a quick glance and a smile recognising him from work.

Close up on James face as a blushing smile starts to appear which he tries to suppress.

Back to POV she is now past the bus stop and we see a glove drop from her purse as she jogs across the road to avoid a car.

Mid shot of James quickly standing up and rushing from his seat a look of concern on his face.

High angle mid shot of him leaning down to pick up the glove and rise to his feet with a nervous and lost look on his face, his lips are quivering like he wants to say something but his mouth wont let him.

Back to POV as woman is on other side of the road and making her way to a car with a man sitting inside it waiting, it has been waiting there for her there the whole time, possibly a boyfriend.

James; (nervously) erm…excuse ah…Excuse me…

We see the woman get off her mobile phone and into the car, James words have not caught her attention but the man in the car seems to be throwing him a menacing look, as the car pulls out and drives off he looks away.

Long wide shot from other side of road as we see James standing there staring off after the car looking deflated and defeated still clutching the glove in his hand. The bus pulls in at the stop thus blocking James and the rest of the shot.

We see a mid shot from in front of the bus slightly to the right as James gets of the bus and awkwardly makes his way towards the camera.

Cuts from mid long shot from behind, but on front of shop perfectly framing the shop front, with its green exterior and sign and the fruit, vegetable and newspaper stand out front. James is making his way to the shop door when two young men burst out with drinks in hand very boisterously behaved and loud.

Mid shot from side as James awkwardly gets by the men and through the shop door looking very worried. Trying to look invisible to the men almost intimidated.

We cut to a shot of him in side the shop, shot from one aisle over from him looking over the top of the display racks at the top of his head as he browses through the shop.

Mid close up on the products POV shot from his eyes looking at different cereals scanning along the shelf, this would possible be a tracking shot moving down the aisle.

We hear the sound of females from inside the shop. James looks up to see three young blondes leaving the shop wit a bag full of booze looking chirpy and ready for the weekend, still in POV, they leave the shop chatting and laughing as they do.

Close up on James face looking longingly after the girls, he wrinkles his nose to push his glasses again on his face.

Cut to mid shot from the side, looking at him standing there with two different cereal boxes in hand. He lifts them both higher and to his attention.

Over the shoulder shot looking down at the boxes he has in his hand, first we look over his left shoulder to see muesli, then the camera tracks a little to the other shoulder were we see him holding muesli light.

Cuts to close up on face from below as if looking up from where the cereal is, we see James face screwed up from scrutinising his decision.

Back to mid shot looking at him from the side we see him put back the muesli and start to walk towards the camera with the other box.

Quick cut off a close up of him throwing the box into his basket.

Mid shot from exterior of shop of him leaving the shop with his bags clutched in hand, he looks sheepishly around while he navigates his way out the door and walks off screen right.

Shot from top of stairwell at first we just see and empty stairwell, but hear the footsteps getting closer, he slowly make his way round the corner and walks half way up the stairs, before stopping leaning against the hand rail and drawing for breath.

Mid shot on the landing of his floor as he reaches the top of the stairs, walks a few steps down the landing and puts his bags down before reaching into his jacket and gets his keys and puts them in the door.

Cuts to inside the flat, high angle shot from living room looking down the corridor at the front door as he enters, drops his keys onto the side table and makes his way towards and into living room.

Mid shot of him as he enters the living room and takes off his coat to hang up on the coat rack. He carries his grocery bags out of shot.

Cut to inside kitchen were we see him take out his microwavable meal and prepare it, all done mid shot, he takes it from bag puts it on counter and removes packaging.

Series of close ups, on him poking holes in the cellophane on meal, then opening door of microwave and putting it inside, then on the timer of microwave as it reads 4 minutes, we hear a beep and the times starts to count down.

Back to high angle shot from front room living room as we see him walk back in to the room and to a small table.

Mid close up as he goes to a small radio and turns it on, we here static and different sounds of music and speech.

Close up on him twisting the knob as the sounds continue as he searches for his station, before settling on a talk show.

We hear dialogue about peoples love life, he has tuned into a radio talk show about love and relationships.

Radio – that was Lauren from Stoke telling us all about how lucky she is to be with her partner Derek, so if your listening Derek well done your obviously doing something right.

As this is happening James goes back to the kitchen and takes down a plate and gets a knife and fork and prepares his meal, close up of his steaming meal as he peels of the plastic, gives it a stir and leaves it to stand.

Mid close up on the radio, with the background out of focus and the radio in focus.

Radio - So to our next caller who I believe is Sadie, how are you love and how can we help you today on the love hour…..

Sadie - Hello Brian, I’m not bad thanks, I’m just a little lonely tonight since its another Friday and I’m sat alone listening to you…again

Brian – that’s a shame, but is there any particular reason your feeling this way.

Sadie – im just really lonely lately and I don’t know how to get over it, I been stuck in a rut for a while and just not sure how to get my self out of it.

In the blurred background we see him walk past the camera and into living room.

Mid shot from the front of him sit down and begin to eat his meal while listening.

Brian – well tell me how long has this been troubling you for Sadie.

Sadie – a while now, I been single for about two years now and haven’t ever seemed to recovered from being dumped, sometimes I get to lonely I feel like a prisoner in my own home, isolated from the outside world. My confidence seems to completely gone out the window I don’t seem to be able to handle myself around men any more. I just get really awkward and clumsy whenever I’m around guys I like, its so embarrassing

Brian – awh love don’t get to down about it, are their any guys you like at the moment then.

Sadie – well there is this one guy, he works at the same café as me, he’s really funny and sweet, and gorgeous as well. I doubt he even remembers my name though. I act such a fool in front of him he probably thinks I’m a total freak.

James pauses from eating his food, puts his fork down and get ups.

Cut to mid shot from the side as he goes to a chest of draws and opens the top draw and takes a box out.

Back to shot of him sitting down front on, this time he has a box on his lap, which he takes the top of off begins to look through.

Brian – don’t be so hard on yourself, have you let him know how you feel?

Sadie – I can barely bring myself to say hello in the morning let alone tell him how I feel, I get so shy around him and behave so silly in front of him I freeze up and don’t know how to act.

We see James take out a photo from his box and look at it intently.

Sadie – I think he is so great I just wish I could communicate with him with out acting a complete fool.

POV shot from James looking at the picture; it’s a picture of the girl whose glove he found at the bus stand.

Brian – Sadie love take it from me, confidence is all in your head, you have it in you to show this man what a wonderful interesting woman you are, you just need to take the initiative to show him, next time your at work wear a bit of perfume and dress you like and show him what sort of woman you are.

James looks to his left and reaches into his bag and pulls out the glove he found, he slowly brings it close to him looking intently at it.

Cuts to POV shot as he looks at the gloves in his hand his other hand strokes it.

Sadie – thanks Brian, oh god I hope he doesn’t listen to this show

Brian – (laughs) all right I’m sure your fine Sadie, and I hope everything turns out ok with you and your lover boy, if not then I’m sending this one out to you Hun.

Song starts to play, “I’m so tired of being alone” by Al Green.

We see a mid close up on James upper body and face as he lifts his hand up and pulls the glove on.

Cut to mid shot from behind the seat as he stands up and walks over to a mirror to his left, still with the picture in hand.

Shot from the side as he approaches the mirror and takes of his glasses, and puts them down in front of the mirror.

ECU of a picture of a Brunette woman stuck onto the top corner of his mirror, we see the picture pulled off revealing a blurred reflection of James, quickly replaced by the picture of the blonde woman from his office.

Mid shot looking from the right hand side from behind looking at James, his smiling reflection in the mirror is perfectly framed. He looks satisfied and walks away from the camera to the left and out the room.

The music heard a little less loudly we see him in a dark dingy bedroom; he approaches a locked door in the corner of his room and brings out a key from around his neck.

Close up on the key slowly turning in the lock.

Over the should shot from a slightly high angle as he slowly opens the door, we see a the brunette woman from the photo tied up and gagged on the floor, she has bruises on her face and looks scared and helpless.

Close up on her face as she slowly turns her face to look up and him with a broken petrified look on her face.

Low angle POV shot from the perspective of the woman looking up and him, we see James lit from above towering over her menacingly with a creepy grin on his face.


Title “All work and no play”, comes across screen with typewriter effect used.

Joseph Radonich.